Philliz Navidad
4 min readJul 7, 2017


This concept evolves from an entrepreneur friend, here in SF. He’s the kind of person whose genuine character shows up in his smile. We know each other from my hometown where we met as teenagers. Nowadays he goes by Squirrel.

I bumped into Squirrel a few years ago in front of his office space in the Soma neighborhood. He invited me inside to hang out. Somehow, though likely through my own willingness to be vulnerable, Squirrel opened up on how he organizes areas of his life.

Personal Enrichment, Art, Community, and Health — he calls it Peach.

{Peach} w/ original logo

Peach is appealing because it helps plan for almost any achievement.

I don’t know whether he developed this concept alone, or if it emerged from one of the great conversations I imagine he has with unique, open-minded people like himself. But the concept deserves an ovation. Peach helps me plan for all my current goals and achievements. I’ll briefly show you how I use it.

How I use it

Here you’ll see a sample I drew of some current and past goals.

Some goals will naturally cross into more than one category.

I look at each category and evaluate what’s happening in those areas of my life.

Am I devoting any time to personal enrichment? What am I studying right now? What have I learned? Have I spent enough time with people I care about?

Personally, I define community by asking, what am I contributing to beyond myself? How am I contributing?

For instance, one of my passions is lighting design for performance art. I accept almost every gig, even if the pay is low because I love to support performance artists. I enjoy seeking out new tribes and seeing how I fit in. I’ve also been a middle school tutor and volunteer tax preparer (sometimes in the same day). When I reflect on past achievements I ready myself for future community oriented goals.

Health goals can be both mental and physical. For me its important to be mindful of what influences both.

The next step is to compile a list of actions items in favor of each goal. I generally use Evernote for this. This is where Peach would come alive: it allows users to manage the small goals that will become achievements.

Picture typography speaking to you in the calm, warm tone of actor Tim Robbins.

lo-fidelity set of wireframes, complete with a panic button in case I lost my wits.
Meet Squirrel, the owl. Squirrel helps keep your mind on track.

The owl is inspired by my friend Squirrel. Yes, that’s Squirrel the owl. Squirrel gives advice and productivity facts throughout app use. Rarely do I start a day without priming my brain for my action items. In alternate designs the owl icon opens up links to self-help articles and resources.

Picture typography speaking to you in the calm, warm tone of actor Tim Robbins. Didot best met my preferences for personable and exquisite font.

Finding gentle colors that didn’t feel too gendered was a bit challenge.

Intuition kindly asked for braces around the logo {Peach}. This made too much sense after I found out what braces are used for. The previous logotype sat in front a peach. I nixed the peach because it distracts from the logomark braces.

Product logo evolution.

Hey, that’s a wrap! Thanks for viewing! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or comments. Cheers!



Philliz Navidad

Multi-passionate Queer PoC from SF. Geek. Designer. Writing.